Maybe I can change Luis' ways with a visit to his house... and a power drill.
So many times, it happens too trade your passion for glory. Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past, you must fight just to keep them alive.
Age 44, Male
Software Engineer
Somewhere in Nevada...
Somewhere in California..
Joined on 11/29/05
Maybe I can change Luis' ways with a visit to his house... and a power drill.
go for the parietal lobe, I hear that's where the greed centers are stored
Always knew he has a huge ego.
His head in that pic is actual size
What??? And I loved Luis' animation. I would never think something like that of him!!! You disappointed me, Luis. And even if you have made the animation 'n' art for Portal Defenders and all the other games you've been co-operating with, there is also hard to script you know. You should give BomToons 50% and yourself 50%. You ain't the only one who does the hard work, it is also hard to script. He deserves to be treaten as an equal!! You should shame yourself...
By the ways BomToons, could you join our team? We need a programmer! If you want more info check this out:
<a href=""> s/post/312265</a>
Yeah, stick it to the man.
It's time someone pulled down his house of cards
programmers get less then 20 percent each time because they dont do as much >:(
Whatever, you're obviously not a coder... coders are penalized for doing their job make something more efficient and less time is set up code to be re-used and less time is's a jacked up system I tells ya.
lol, is this a joke or are you guys pulling and Andy Kaufman and Jerry Lawler?
How could you look at that picture and not think I'm serious?
well animators have to draw and draw and draw, while coders type and type and type. it takes more skill to be an animator and thats why i stand by it.
these posts were somewhat jokes by the way. i realize now how hard it is to see through my sarcasm on the internet.
Whatever you racist
What happened then, on Newgrounds they say, Luis's small heart grew three sizes that day
i'm only rascist towards myself :'(
i'm an animator and personally i would say coders do the most work in a game all we do is draw and move with tweens and stuff where as to make a perfect game with no bugs really can take it's time
Yeah, I know what you mean, originally we'd invited him to join our Pico Day collab, but then he demanded that he get 80% of the revenue, and that he submits it. We tried bargaining him down but he wouldn't budge, so we had to turn him down in the end.
im gay
lol, nice work, its like a Geico ad, but not
lol is this a joke? =P
Anyway, of what i have heard the coding of a flash game is the hardest so i don't see any reason why you shouldn't be really well payed for it =S
you guys are killing me.
can't stop giggling
I kinda agree with fluffkomix in that i belive animators do more work. We have to draw over and over for Frame by frame or just draw in general and then we have to put it all together and animate it. All that coders really have to do is read up on the script they want to know and type some stuff up.
Yet we should be seen as equals Mmmyesss...
DAM Luis & DAM mexicans...wait a minute my name is Luis & I mexican. Well watever pregramers deserv at least a 40%
That image looks extremely accurate.
Luis asked me for 80% on my flash, If I Only Knew.
When I told him it was shitty and didn't make any money he hacked into my computer and stole my credit card number.
I'm in debt now, Luis, I'm in debt.
I am so cutting your wages to 5% for exposing this to the media.
There's a reason this is post devil