Dang, you nailed this one. I think this composition is my favorite. There's all kinds of depth to it and I love the scared look on his...armor :)
Dang, you nailed this one. I think this composition is my favorite. There's all kinds of depth to it and I love the scared look on his...armor :)
i had a ton of fun with this guy. i saw the tufts of fur and pictured a sweet armored barbarian berserker. one who's brute strength would be his downfall.
such a wicked fight too! i loved how instantly the player figured out when to strike. thats some strong design right there.
Epic caribiners
He must do some crazy ass rock climbing.
Thanks for doing these for me, I can't wait to get them printed and on my office wall (will post pics)
i cannot wait to see them!
it was truley an honor to work on these guys. thanks for being such an inspiration.
hooray for BoMToons!
*mega super-fan-highfives*
I like the pink and green knights kissing the best. Oh, and having chibi knight make an appearance is pretty sweet too :)
Hehe I liked them smooching too- Glad you like it- thanks for the 10 Friend!
I like
I like, as usual. But I'd get rid of the text overlay for the NG calendar "official" entry cuz in the calendar, "Newgrounds - Everything by everyone" is sprinkled about liberally already and the pieces should really just be "ART" without any "graphic design" mixed in.
that is a very good idea i wasn't even thinking about that.
it shall be fixed! thanks for the feedback BoMToons. now with this stuff out of the way its chibiknight time! *scampers off*
*mega highfives*
Double Dragon II
The mask helmet thing reminds me of the 1st boss on double dragon 2, you know the one who disappears and re-appears?
Anyway, you took the source material to the next level as usual.
Fav'd and fived!
oh snap! that's right! i wonder if krinkles picked that shape subconsciously from playing DD2!
how very interesting. thanks for stopping by BoMToons! it is always an honor when you review my stuff!
*mega super-fan high fives*
Extremely amazing. Love the improvements on the char design, you take everything to the nexxxxt level.
*High five so hard time reverses and the shockwave kills my grandpa causing a paradox that disrupts the space time continuum and ends the universe and all existence*
holy crap! what a highfive! thanks for stopping by BoMToons. glad you like the armor updates, this guy was a lot of fun to draw.
*travels up K2 to meet the grand master high-fiver and endure a grueling 14 year training course for the ultimate highfive technique, then jump from the peak of K2 to plummet down to the ground with a spinning dragon highfive extravaganza combo of cosmic force*
Inspired by Spawn comics much?
Actually, Marvel inspires me to draw
Holy crap!
Whoa, you're like my favorite artist around so this made my millenium...I might just print this out and frame it on my wall, it's THAT awesome...I'm showing Bella when she gets home from Kindergarten :)
really glad you like it dude. if you'd liek a bigger one just snag this link here
it's the original so it'll be better for extra stuff you'd want to do with it.
congrats on making a super cool game. i was gonna draw the little knight guy fighting the demon-beast but then i thought i'd might be spoiling somethings for some people.
great stuff! :D
Blew me away
I didn't think you could beat the 1st year's centerfold, but this one trumps it on every level.
Did you or stamper draw the uncircumcised little delight on angry faic?
Epic is all I can say.
So many times, it happens too fast...you trade your passion for glory. Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past, you must fight just to keep them alive.
Age 44, Male
Software Engineer
Somewhere in Nevada...
Somewhere in California..
Joined on 11/29/05