Last week I promised I'd show you and only YOU what flipping the switch in the teaser image from last week does.
Check out this top secret video!:
In other news, the keychains are SO CLOSE to being done. Once they are, I can finally button up the physical rewards stuff from the Super Chibi Knight Kickstarter. That will be a relief. Here are a couple pics (we're deciding on what kind of finish to give the keychains, they have the Kickstarter logo on one side and an image from the game on the other):
My friend's company,, does fantastic work. If you're looking for stuff to be manufactured, I'd suggest sending him a message through his website. He can do near any kind of physical object be it metal or other material (CNC, Billet, Machining, Lathe, Blown Injection Molding, Anodizing, etc.)
Question of the week: What are you hoping to see in Super Chibi Knight? What are you excited about doing in Super Chibi Knight that you've seen already?
Normally you can hide under the cliff and the boulder will pass above you, but yours sank down.
That's why there are warning signs! :-P