I'm getting my mojo back for Super Chibi Knight... less than 2 months left to finish it! Can I do it? Will I do it?
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Here is a top secret video from SCK, I like how HOT the lava looks:
And here is an ULTRA TOP SECRET screenshot:
Would you flip the switch despite the warnings? I'll post a video of what it does NEXT WEEK, so FOLLOW ME to make sure you don't miss it!
Speaking of breasts, I am anti-circumcision. It's a religious/cultural relic that is equivalent to genital mutilation. Not necessary at all and the hygiene/health arguments are bogus (we don't give girls double masectomies when they're born just cuz it lowers their statistical chances of cancer!)
On a recent trip with my friend, we spoke long and hard about this touchy topic. Eventually he came around to my point of view because he then went on to evangelize his sister who is having a baby soon. He was able to convince her not to circumcise her son, and she's even a registered nurse!
In honor of this, he has named himself the "Schlong Savior." When he told me about it, we came up with a few more honorific titles for what he's done:
Anaconda Advocate
Ball-buddy Bodyguard
Cock Conservator
Dick Deliverer
Dong Defender
Flesh Flute Fighter
Foreskin Friend
Hero of the Hung
Manhood Messiah
Mohel Moderator
Nad-Neighbor Negotiatior
Pecker Preserver
Penis Protector
Phallus Freedom Fighter
Rod Redeemer
Scalpel Squelcher
Wang Warrior
Wiener White Knight
Can you think of any other good ones to add to our list? Try to fill-in the missing alphabet letters!
How about champion of the defenceless?
While there are genuine medical conditions that would prompt a partial or full circumcision these are fairly rare.
Yes it's genital mutilation and the female equivalent would be to remove the entire outer labia, though you may have picked up that the cultural/faith version of that involves removing the clitoris which is another level of brutality obviously.
Since it occurs on a rather large scale and this being 2014 by now we should be able to call it what it is, namely mass infant abuse.
Ha ha, there needs to be some alliteration going on in these titles! But I agree wit ya on err-thing :-)