I've been working out and eating right for the last 9 weeks and I just reached my 30 lb. weight loss mark! My goal weight is sill another 15 lbs. so wish me luck.
Additionally, please check out this game made by Ansel and I.
The back story is that Ansel's programmer (ahem, Coaly) bailed out of the project and Ansel was hoping to submit it for the MaxGames contest which ended last night.
Well, Ansel asked me to help out last Saturday so all his hard work on animating sprites wouldn't go to waste. So yeah, it's been a really hectic week as I started from scratch and programmed my guts out on the game. I can't believe it turned out as well as it did. :)
Side-Note: Check out the pause feature (press "P"). I'm using some bitmap data screenshot manipulation, I thought it was pretty nifty.
I hope you like it!
Love the game! You always make great flashes! And good job on losing 30 pounds!