So many times, it happens too fast...you trade your passion for glory. Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past, you must fight just to keep them alive.

Age 44, Male

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Somewhere in Nevada...

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Joined on 11/29/05

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Look over my shoulder...

Posted by BoMToons - June 26th, 2008

I got roped into producing 8 mini-comics over the last 3 days for an alliance Woogi World has with a "Weekly Reader" type paper distributed in elementary schools.

Basically, the 3 frame comic introduces a storyline and a "secret" code the kids can use to play a game on Woogi World that relates to the comic.

I decided to record myself producing one of the comics, so here's your chance to look over my shoulder while I'm drawing in flash. Lucky you!

The comic below is about Dr. Wiggenstein outfitting his "Science Cadets" to explore Woogi World's oceans, rivers, lakes, etc.

( 600% - about an hour's work sped up to fit in 9:30 )

/* */


Great, your a brilliant artist :)

Thanks muchly!

Nice bom! you should have put some music to entertain me more though >.< but, still amazing.

Oh, yeah, I should have thought of that...thanks for stopping by!

that was great =D. love watching time lapsed drawings =)

I assume you don't use pressure sensitivity for the lineart right?

I was using pressure sensitivity, but the "smoothing" was turned way down...I've been experimenting with different smoothing settings and really low, like 30, seemed to work best for these comics.

Cool, you are a regular stan lee.

Oy veh.

Aw may-un. That was hot.

It's always fun to see the process, great work!

you draw so fasssst

good stuff im almost inspired to get myself back on youtube.

I was hopped up on caffeine.

Awesome drawing, but for some reason, i dont like the colors u chose

Ah, so you draw everything with solid colors first, and then you add alpha shading. THAT'S how you do it.

I always put shading in my movies and drawings the way Wonchop does. I draw a line over my picture, fill in one part with a different color, and then delete the line.

shhhh, secret!

I like how you only opened MSN once during it, a curse I can't break :P

AIM actually, and it was work related, but I can see how chat would be a time sucker.

Yeah nice job. I always thought you were using the line tool for stuff like this, most of your stuff doesn't appear to be in paintbrush.

Lots of my stuff isn't done using the brush, but now that I've had my tablet for a while I'm getting more used to it.

Did you use the pencil tool for the outlines or the brush tool?

I used the pressure sensitive brush tool with my tablet for everything.

Nice Job, my good ol' chump.

Who you callin chump, goofy?!

Wow. awesome Bom, just awesome