That's awesome about your job, you must be really hard-working and also really good at your job if you were able to learn so much about programs you hadn't even used (much) before. I guess all that Newgrounds experience paid off. That TreeRing place also sounds awesome, what a cool place to work! Good luck, and I'm glad that despite so much stress, you came out better.
Wow, what a ride! I'm glad all is seemingly going well. Its funny, you say you have an hour+ commute and honestly, how do you deal? One thing I've always thought about and been vehemently against is having a commute to a job that is far away. Like, we spend SO MUCH TIME IN CARS, and I find it just a waste of time. I know sometimes its just "part of it", but i dunno, its just a pill I could never and still cant swallow. Do you actually find it worth it? Or is it something you're just used to?
How long did it take your to pack up your own? Did you have to sell anything or donate stuff ?
hows the newborn though? Better I hope?
I totally agree on newgrounds being more intimate than facebook and twitter.
My boy is healthy and happy now (thank goodness!).
The commute isn't bad. I listen to podcasts and other audio content. I enjoy it actually and it gives me time to think. Think about how much time in a day we waste on social media or watching tv or playing video games. A couple hours on the road is a drop in the bucket.